Best Blender for Acai Bowls?

Acai Bowls and Smoothie Bowls are currently all the rage at health and hipster cafes all over Australia and in fact the world. Not only are Acai bowls super nutritious (with over 2-3 times the anti oxidants levels of blueberries) but they also taste delicious and can be presented as beautiful works of art. Acai Bowls have a very stylish and trendy appeal to your customers and you should definitely be including them on your cafe's breakfast menu.

Best Blender for Acai Bowls

When it comes to purchasing a blender for Acai Bowls it can be very difficult knowing which blender to choose... not to worry... at Blenders Online we have your back. Acai satchels are a very tough product for any blender, it's literally Acai berries that are frozen into block form immediately after harvesting.  You need to be sure to invest in a quality high performance blender that will be able to handle the rock hard consistency. 

At Blenders Online we recommend only the top of the range food preparation blenders from our premium quality brands. These include Vitamix, HalldeBlendtec and Hamilton Beach.

Our top commercial blender pick for making acai bowls is the Hallde VCB-32. Hallde is a Swedish made blender and can easily blend up to 4 or more bricks of acai per blend which makes it the perfect choice for busy establishments. Hallde will also wear much better then any other blending brand as the components are all such premium quality. Watch this video below from our parent company Raw Blend showcasing the Hallde VCB-32.


From Vitamix we recommend the Vita-Prep 3 which is a 3 peak HP blender and includes a tamper for processing the foods into the blade. From Blendtec we recommend the Chef 775 which is a 3.8 peak HP blender and features SmartBlend Technology. From Hamilton Beach we recommend the Tempest Food Preparation Blender which is a 3 peak HP blender and features a Patented Wave~Action Blending System.

Best Blender for Acai Bowls?

If you have any questions relating to any of these models please contact our friendly Blenders Online customer support team.

Happy Blending!